My cousins and I would spent endless hours visitng our grandparent's house. The grown ups would be huddled around the dining room table while we were allowed to roam free amongst their vast land. It was never the same adventure twice. One day the field was for berry picking that would turned into strawberry shortcakes, and the next it would be mowed into a baseball diamond for the whole clan to choose teams and spend quality time together. And yes, there was enough of us to have an actual baseball team!
The pond served as a place to bring the canoe out into as well as a swimming hole on hot summer days. The supply of fish was endless and could easily be caught by baiting our poles with popcorn. There was a time or two when we would catch a crab instead of a bullhead, but they all got tossed back in just the same.
Of all my memories the campfires down back serves as the fondest. It would not be unusual to keep the flames burning until the sun rose the next morning. We would sing rounds of dated songs, some in tune and some not, but we all sung in unison just the same. Our bellies would be full of s'mores and kool aid that supplied us with enough energy to catch fireflies deep into the night. Yes, it was a simple yet memoriable time.
Those days may be gone now, but they will forever be etched within my heart. My grandparents may have passed on but each time I see a willow tree I am reminded of my youth and the times that I was able to spend at their place.