Another weekend was coming to a close with long honey do list still stuck to the fridge, I knew that it was now or never. Today was the day that I needed to start relieving myself of some undo anxiety, so that I could concentrate on my larger goals. To make myself accountable I took a few moments to prioritize my list and put myself on a schedule. I wanted to get everything done and still have time to enjoy the day. Could I do it?
My mind was focused on the finish line so I did not allow for any distractions. This meant that the phone went unanswered and I did not check my email until I was done. (That was hard to do!!). One by one I started crossing off my accomplishments, and with that my stress level decreased. It was actually a good feeling to finally take charge of my life. By the time 2:30 came around I was found lying in my hammock with a magazine in my hand. I had done it!!!
As I look around now I can feel a sense of peace. My calendar is jam packed for the next two weeks but now I can focus solely on what each day brings without having to worry about when I will find time to squeeze in something else. What lessons have I learned from this? First I realized that nobody can do it all by themselves. It's impossible to be the Stepford wife and the perfect mom. I do not need to assume all of the responsiblity for everything while the rest of the family gets to do as they please. It needs to be a team effort if we all want to succeed. Second I need to stop taking on so much. My husband is right when he says that I bring it all on myself. I am going to try to cut our schedules down for the rest of the year and stop feeling guilty if I have to say no once in a while. Lastly I have come to the conclusion that if I don't take care of myself I cannot live up to my potential when taking care of others. I have going to carve out some "me time" every day, even if it's just for a few moments. 15 minutes of tranquility can lead to a more productive life. With that being said, I am going outside now to my garden where I plan on sitting down and smelling each rose that I worked so hard to plant.