In high school I did enjoy being editor of the yearbook but soon after graduation my life went on a roller coaster ride and the creative side of me fell into deep hibernation. It wasn't until just a few years ago that I secretly started to journal, which opened a door into the literary world.
In the past year I have written a full length manuscript, published an anthology, started working on its sequel, created a website, joined a writers critique group , began public speaking and accepted second place in a county wide writing contest. Tonight I accepted my second award...this year I placed third in the Oswego Reading Councils annual writing contest.
Life often works in mysterious ways. Right now I am planning my presentation for this summers Delta Lake Writers Gathering and I'm still trying to wrap my head around how I got here. Each time I venture down a path I find a new opportunity has arose, and I am very grateful for that. Where will my writing take me next? That's between the universe and me!