While this woman was speaking my mind began to wonder why nobody, not one single person, was willing to help this child? Why did she has to suffer years of sexual abuse because nobody had the courage to stand up for her? I think back to when my daughter disclosed to me. Not only did I believe her, but I took action to prevent it from happening again. Yes, it came at a very deep price. I sacrificed my whole world to protect her and I would do it again in a heartbeat. She will grow up knowing that I cared enough to help her when she needed me the most. That I loved her enough to say that I would not allow anybody to treat her that way ever again. That is what true courage is.
If somebody you loved was abused by a stranger, would expect that person to have a relationship with them? Would you think that it would be okay to invite that perpetrator into your home and have dinner with them? My guess would be that you wouldn't. So why is it different when the perpetrator is somebody that you know? Why should the victim have to look the person who violated them and pretend that nothing happened? By remaining silent simply because we do not want to go against the family, you are giving power to the abuser. You are clearly sending the message that the abuse should be tolerated, and that you are not worthy of anything more.
If a child came to you and asked for help, could you look at yourself in the mirror and know that you did everything you could to save them? Would you be willing to risk everything if you knew that this child would not have to endure one more night of torture? I took that risk, and I am proud to say that I did. My daughter is beautiful and caring... and she is now safe and happy. She will grow up confident knowing that she was worth it!