I married an idiot–and so did my spouse. The word, “idiot” is derived from the Greek word meaning “common man.” Aren’t we all common man? In fact, there is only One who was uncommon man–Jesus Christ. Elaine W. Miller encourages couples to keep their eyes fixed on Jesus and run a marriage marathon like an idiot, but not like a fool. An idiot may stumble or fall, but a fool runs the wrong way.
We All Married Idiots teaches husbands and wives to stop concentrating on the three things you will never change in your marriage and begin focusing on the ten things you can. Then, you will esteem your mate as a gift to treasure, not as an idiot to tolerate. You can purchase the book here.
About the Author
Elaine W. Miller is a popular author and speaker known for sharing biblical insights with warmth, enthusiasm, and humor. A member of the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, she has been encouraging audiences for over 25 years. Elaine and her husband, an ordained minister, have been married 41 years. Together they have led many marriage retreats and counseled numerous hurting
couples. Residing in upstate New York, Elaine and Dan enjoy a beautiful and sometimes idiotic life together.
Elaine is the author of two additional books, Splashes of Serenity: Bathtime Reflections for Drained Moms and
Splashes of Serenity: Bathtime Reflections for Drained Wives.
Other places to find Elaine:
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My Review:
Elaine W. Miller is a visionary who truly sees what it takes to make a marriage work. She provides practial advice on the simple things that we can do to show our spouses that we love them while showing ourselves that we too have things that we need to work on.
The book combines humor and Christian faith in a way that is easy and enjoyable to read. Each mini story of Elaine's personal life concludes with advice on how to learn from her mistakes, followed by a prayer. She opens up on the blunders that her and her husband encountered within their marriage to show that we are all human, yet there is always room for growth.
We All Married Idiots: Three Things You Will Never Change About Your Marriage and Ten Things You Can
is a must read for anyone who is currently, has been, or is considering marriage.
The author sent me the above book for review purposes. She will allow me to keep the book. I have no other connection to and have received no other compensation from Elaine W. Miller.
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