About the Book
What do drive-by diaper stores and God have in common? When is blabbing an acceptable habit? Why should you beware of moths and sligs? In her entertaining, uplifting style,
award-winning author and humorist Jeanette Levellie weaves 72 amusing stories with affirming Biblical truths. These soul-nourishing examples of God’s favor and grace will help you:
Laugh when you find cow patties in your field instead of daisies
Discover the bottomless heart of God
Grow in your acceptance of yourself and others
Welcome a vacation from stress as you discover the sweetness of TwoScoops of Grace with Chuckles on Top. You can buy the book here.

A spunky pastor’s wife of thirty-plus years, Jeanette Levellie
authors a bi-weekly humor/inspirational column, God is Bigger, a popular feature in the Paris Beacon News since 2001. She has published stories in Guideposts anthologies, stories in Love is a Verb Devotional with Gary Chapman, articles in Christian and secular magazines, greeting card verses, and
poems for calendars. She is also a prolific speaker for both Christian and secular groups, and loves to make people laugh while sharing her love for God and life.
Jeanette is the mother of two grown children, three grandchildren, and servant to four cats. She lives in Paris (not the French one), IL. with her husband, Kevin. Her hobbies include dining out, talking baby talk to her cats, avoiding housework, reading, and watching old classic movies.
Visit Jeanette on her blog, On Wings of Mirth and Worth, at www.jeanettelevellie.com.
My Review
Do you like to laugh? Enjoy finding the silver lining behind a setback in life? Jeanette Levellie delivers all this and more in her latest book,Two Scoops of Grace with Chuckles on Top. Sharing stories from her own personal life, Jeanette uses humor to offer insights on how to deal with tough situations, and challenges us all to inspire to become a better person.
This was a can't put down title. I nearly died laughing at the story of a grieving widow (pun intended!). There was a part of me that felt horribly guilty for having a big belly roll at such a sad circumstance, but this is exactly why Jeanette put it in the book. She wants us to know that even in the darkest of times, having a little humor can help us during a time of mourning.
And the story about her raging hormones that nearly kept her off an airplane...yes there was even a moral behind that one! Is your wallet running on empty or have you ever found yourself looking foolish? Here is a woman who can take any situation and turn it into a learning moment. This book is a gift that is meant to be shared. Here's how you can get a FREE copy for yourself!
Jeanette’s Giveaways
You can win one of ten free downloads of my debut humor devotional, Two Scoops of Grace with Chuckles on Top for your eReader. Here are the very simple rules: For each share of this post link on Facebook, Twitter, or your blog, you will receive one entry.
For each like on Jeanette’s Author Page or my Two Scoops Book Page on Facebook, or follow on my Twitter page or this blog, you will receive one entry. If you already like and/or follow me, mention that and I will count it.
Please send me ONE comment at the end of this post to tell me how many times you shared, liked, or followed, so I can give you the correct amount of entries. I reserve the right to verify all information given me, and disqualify anyone from the drawing who falsifies information. (Do not leave comments here to be entered, you MUST go to Jeanette’s blog post for the giveaway.)
Contest starts today and ends midnight, May 10, 2012. Jeanette will announce the winners in a blog post Sunday, May 13, 2012.
….and a $100 Gift Card Drawing~~~WOWZA!!!
After you have read/reviewed Two Scoops, check out my blog at www.jeanettelevellie.com for a contest to win a $100 gift card by answering ten easy questions about the book! After I receive your entry, your name will go into the hat for a $100 gift card to one of the following places (your choice): Amazon, Barnes and Noble, CBD, Hobby Lobby, Chick-fil-A, Wal-Mart, Olive Garden, Red Lobster, or Ruby Tuesday. This giveaway will run until August 10, 2012 so there is PLENTY of time for you to enter!
The author sent me the above book for review purposes. She will allow me to keep the book. I have no other connection to and have received no other compensation from Jeanette Levellie. The entire blog tour can be found here.