Is there a person you know who has overcome unbelievable odds? Perhaps their story could inspire someone else going through a similar situation. The best comfort in a person's life is knowing that they are not alone.
Stories can be up to 2,500 words long, and anonymous submissions will be accepted for those who are worried about privacy. Changing names will also allowed allowed for the same reason.
Because I am trying to get as many wonderful stories to this next book as possible, I do not have an exact date set for publication. However, I do anticipate that it will be within the next year. Any questions feel free to contact me at [email protected], or facebook.com/WindingRoadBook.
Here are a several of the Amazon.Com reviews from Sometimes The Wind Blows Sideways: Our Lives with a Special Needs Child:
I was unsure when I first opened this book just what I would find. But, when I finished it....I said, "This book needs to be sold along with a box of tissues." Some of the stories will make you cry and others make you laugh.
The stories are from individuals who live with, or affect by, children who were born different in various ways. Each story tells how a family adapt their everyday life to the ordeals which become 'normal' in their household. And, it spreads beyond that one child born, beyond the parents and siblings; it affects aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, teachers, clergy, bus drivers...and beyond.
These children teach us as much as the other way around.
The one thing that resonates in this book is...love.
This book shows the ups and downs both the parents and the children go through in life with disabilities. One story you would die laughing and the next you'll be crying your eyes out. Finished this book within a day. Just couldn't put it down.
I just read this entire book from beginning to end. I couldn't put it down! There were times when I wanted to cry, and times I wanted to laugh. It shows how each family's situation is unique. There is no mold for a special needs person, and no one right path to take to deal with them.
This book is one that should be read and then shared with others.
As a mother of a child with disabilities, I picked up a copy of this book in hopes of relating to other families who are dealing with similiar situations. The stories inside made me instantly feel connected. Some gave me hope, others melted my heart. I laughed, cried, and smiled throughout the entire book. It reminded me of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. A wonderfully easy read for any busy cargiver who is raising a special needs child.
Could the title, not be any more perfect?!??!!
I am so proud of Amy and the initiative she took in self-publishing this book. She wanted to find a way to connect her story with others, and this book is going to encourage and bless SO MANY families.
Having any kind of special needs child or family member can be overwhelming at times. Unless you are physically living in their individual situations, it is so hard to comprehend all of the variances they experience on a daily basis. This book not only brings light to the hardships hese families face but also the triumphs and delights that these unique children bring into their little corners of the world.
This book offers hope, inspiration, and ultimately support, to let you know.... you are never alone. You are not, the only one. There are people that understand and will be there to cheer you on in the best of times, and help you pick up the pieces in the worst. Being an advocate for your child and helping others that also need it, can bring the greatest satisfaction and purpose in your life.
EVERY child is special. Special needs kids don't require extra love, just unconditional love..... just like any other child does.