water intrigued me. Down went the top and off we went. Our picnic in the front seat and my daughter and her friend in the back.
It was a glorious day. Gentle waves greeted us on the soft sandy beach, and the sun was perfectly portioned in the sky to offer just the right amount of heat. We swam, played, and relaxed for most of the afternoon. But as good
things always do, the time had come for it to end. Home was our destination but our hearts were still by the water. Sadly we put the keys in the engine and headed back.
It wasn't long before the car started spitting and sputtering on the hot asphalt. Crossing my fingers that nothing was wrong I cautiously pulled over to the side of the road. As luck would have it, the car stopped completely.
The engine refused to restart and we were stuck with the top down in our bathing suits. Great...
I called my husband to come to our rescue and while we awaited his arrival we made the most out of the situation and played silly games until our hero arrived. 75 minutes later (because he had thought we had gone to a different
beach 40 miles in the opposite direction) he was by our side to escort us safely back home. As it turned out, the gas gauge was not working properly and as soon as we refuled her with a drink we were up and going again.
The very next day I was mowing the lawn and dejavu....the mower ran out of gas! Twice in two days I was out of steam and couldn't go any further as much as I had wanted to. And so another lesson was learned. As much as we would like to just go without stopping, we need to take a few moment and refresh ourselves. Too often we run around ragged trying to be super mom and accomplish more than we can handle. Take a break, a sip of your favorite beverage, and breathe deep. Recharge your mind and your body will take you where it is you need to go. This is your vehicle..maintain it accordingly.