On July 5th from 3:30-4:30 I will be taking the podium and talking to the audience about the art of self publishing. I plan on sharing my experiences with the formatting process, promotional aspects, and all of the tiny details that go into actually publishing the book.
Today I was notified that I placed 3rd in the Oswego Reading's Council annual writing contest! This year's writing prompt was: Reach For The Stars. Here's a sneak preview of my entry:
Under the Blankets of Heaven
It was hot that summer night when I placed my blanket on the plush green grass and laid upon it. The air, calm and crisp, smelled of budding flowers and fresh lake water. Crickets chirping in the background provided the only noise within miles. It was the kind of night that made one feel as if anything were possible.
Setting my gaze up towards the pale blue moon, I noticed one particular star shining brighter than the others. It’s magnificent glow drew me in like a painter placing marks upon a fresh canvas. Mesmerized by its beauty, I found myself softly uttering a little tune that I had learned as a kid.
“Star light, star bright, the first start I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight.” As a young child, that had always seemed to be nothing more than just a silly nursery rhyme. But tonight, with that one golden star shining bright enough to light up the vastly dark sky, it seemed as if the impossible could happen. So closing my eyes, I placed a wish under that beautiful star beam, before slowly reopened my lids in order to savor every last moment. Then I reached out towards the light and tried touch those stars, in hopes of keeping one for myself.
I wasn’t at all surprised when my arms could not reach the sky. As much as my fingers longed to caress those diamonds dancing in the night, I knew those gems were far too special to be had by just one person. They were a gift from heaven that was meant to be shared by all. Every wish from around the world was centered on the faith that these tiny stars held the power to make everyone’s dreams come true. They provide a small glimmer of hope to those who are desperate to fill a void in their lives. This hope was not mine to take. Content with my revelation, I knew it was time to go home.
Rolling up my blanket, I neatly tucked it under my arm and proceeded down the path of which I had come just one hour earlier. The walk home was different than the one I had taken previously. Instead of looking for a place to escape, I had found a path that was full of pure contentment and peace. I saw life differently now. Because I reached for the stars, I had touched upon an epiphany. Millions of miles away there was a speck of light that guides us along our lives. If we follow it’s glow, we will find what our heart truly yearns for, and become the person that we were meant to be. I found my path that night under the blankets of heaven. And I will follow the light ‘til it guides me to my next destination.
~Amy Quonce